About Us

  StompinGroundz was my unexpected dream come true! 

  In 1999/2000, I sketched my logo "Soul In da Sole".  The first design looked similar to what you see above, but not even close to what these letters used to look like or what they have become now.  Art flows through my veins by God's design.  My StompinGroundz dream quickly took a backseat to other more verbally expressive art forms, but it was never too far from my reach as I've written, sketched and drawn these letters in many ways together throughout the years.  I was always sketching, but in late 2016, early 2017 my fingers started twitching again and no matter what I saw, I always saw it saying StompinGroundz.  It didn't matter what it was, (moods, facial features, trucks, motorcycles, cars, shoes, skateboards, hip-hop, break dancing, music/musical instruments, construction, etc.) I began drawing them all, and soon began placing designs on men, women children, and family customizable t-shirts and accessories. 

​  I've heard things like "Why do you have so many designs? It's too many", and "Why are you displaying them all at once?"... Well, (1st, I'm a creative soul, I Can Not Stop Drawing....I just can't), my feelings about the "too many" comments are everyone is different, we all have different likes, different interest, different hobbies, and different loves, and I want to embrace everyone being different.

  StompinGroundz to me, is everything.  It could be known or seen as a state of mind or a state of being.  It's "Where You're From, Where You're At".  Where you've been and where you're going.  It's what you've done and what you want to do in your life; past, present and future.  It's your career, your interest, your hobbies and whatever you love.  If you've worked there, walked there, lived in that place or touched it with any sense of passion; in some way, shape or form it becomes "Your StompinGroundz".  

Thank you! 


So "Expect the Unexpected, Enjoy Everything"!!!

Now... Welcome to Your StompinGroundz!